Congressional Reform Part 1 - The Senate
My plans to reform the structure of Congress are too big to fit in one post so they are getting divided into two posts. Part one is today while part two will be out next week. Congressional Reform Part 1 - The Senate The senate is a relic from a time before their was a national unity and a national identity. It was created to give state legislatures representatives in the federal government and to give the smaller states a say. Today, we define ourselves as a country not the state nationalism people defined themselves as until the civil war. Plus, with the passage of the seventeenth amendment in 1913 senators were directly elected by citizens, not appointed by the state legislature. Therefore, the current senate does not serve a purpose anymore, it just lets smaller states have more of a say in the government. It is undemocratic to let this system continue. California with a population of 39 million is represented by the same amount of people as Wyoming, population 600 thousan...