Voting Law Reform
The United States likes to believe that since we are the first modern democracy, that we are the most democratic nation in the world. This is sadly far from the truth, we have a history of denying minority groups, especially African-Americans, the right to vote. Today we are only 25th on the global democracy index behind many nations that we helped create democracies in such as Japan, South Korea, and Germany. Our low ranking is due to our continued suppression of black, Hispanic, and low-income voters. Many states have enacted voter identification laws making it necessary that each voter show a form of identification when voting. But these identifications cost money and blacks and Hispanics disproportionately due not have any type of voter identification. These people cannot vote even though they are American citizens! Additionally, in Georgia and unfortunately in a couple other states, voters are getting purged from the voting rolls if their name or address on their voter registratio...